Soul Enhancer

Candace Nirvana was the first art muse I had the pleasure of learning with back in October 2013, she posed and gave advice while I took pictures. An amazing muse and a professional photographer. I feel Candace was meant to be my first muse. Candace writes amazing free verse on her blog and I felt compelled to write her a poem that I shared with her on our first meeting.

I do not seek to steal your soul but just to borrow it for a while

I promise I’ll return it whole with all it’s grace and all it’s style

You call yourself a fake dancer

I’d call you more of a soul enhancer

The dancer lives deep within your soul

And tells us all what we should know

One cannot appreciate the artist by himself

While leaving the posing artist on the shelf

Without life models like you Candace

There would be no art upon the canvas

I work with the idea that the geographical centre of a woman is her heart and her soul,I hope you see that in my work.




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